ECOWAS Court adjourns hearing in alleged extra judicial killing of 58 Gambians

The ECOWAS Community Court of Justice on Thursday adjourned hearing in an alleged extra-judicial killing of 58 citizens in The Gambia until March 2.

At the hearing of the court yesterday, Mr Kehinde Enagameh in a suit ECW/CCJ/APP/34/20 on Sept. 3, 2020. alleged that his brother, Omozernoje, was among the 58 citizens killed by security agents of The Gambian Government.

The applicant claimed the boat, in which 58 citizens were migrating to Europe, was seized by the country’s Navy on July 21, 2005.

He also alleged that the victims were killed on the order of the country’s former President, Yaya Jammeh.

Mr Marshal Abubakar, Counsel to Enagameh, cited articles of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Abubakar claimed the violation of the deceased’s rights to life, dignity of the human person, physical and mental health, liberty, freedom of movement, fair hearing and presumption of innocence.

He also claimed the violation of the deceased’s property, freedom from discrimination, equality before the law, and right to remedy by competent national courts. Source: thenationonlineng

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