Western powers alleges Human rights breaches in Russia, Equatorial Guinea and Eswatini

  • Russia must release all political prisoners fighting for democracy in the country
  • Equatoguinean dictatorial regime must end systemic political persecution
  • Eswatini authorities need to start a comprehensive dialogue with opposition immediately

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted three resolutions on the respect for human rights in Russia, Equatorial Guinea and Eswatini.

The recent deterioration of the inhuman imprisonment conditions of Alexey Navalny

MEPs call for the release of a 2021 Sakharov Prize laureate Alexey Navalny and all other brave political prisoners in Russia fighting for Russian democracy.

Until their release, the conditions of detention of political prisoners such as Navalny, who has been subject to ill treatment including torture and risks a new prison sentence of up to 25 years, have to comply with Russia’s international obligations. In particular, Navalny needs access to doctors of his choice and to his lawyers, and communication with his family.

MEPs stress that the EU and the democratic community need a clear strategy to support victories for both Ukraine and for democracy in Russia, which would also be a victory for Navalny. They urge EU member states to assist Russian human rights defenders, pro-democracy activists and independent journalists in and outside Russia.

Parliament says Putin must be put on trial for crimes against his own population and urges the EU Council to adopt restrictive measures against those responsible for arbitrary prosecutions and torture of anti-war protesters.

The resolution was adopted by 497 votes in favour, 17 against and 33 abstentions. For more details, full text will be available here. (19.01.2023)

Equatorial Guinea: violence against opposition activists, notably Julio Obama Mefuman

Parliament holds the Equatoguinean dictatorial regime responsible for the death of Julio Obama, a prominent dissident and a Spanish and Equatoguinean citizen. MEPs call for the liberation of three other members of the opposition movement MLGE3R. They urge Equatorial Guinea to fully cooperate with Spanish judicial authorities and strongly condemn the dictatorial regime’s systemic political persecution and barbaric repression of political opponents and human rights defenders.

Parliament urges EU member states to demand the end to all political persecution, as well as an independent inquiry into the death of Obama Mefuman and the wider situation of political prisoners. MEPs want the EU to sanction regime members involved in human rights violations.


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