In Ethiopia, Three Young Women Advocate for a Community Free From Female Genital Mutilation
Post By Diaspoint | March 14, 2024

Entering adulthood can be a beautiful journey, but for those who have experienced female genital mutilation (FGM), it often carries layers of pain and trauma. FGM leaves a scar that goes beyond physical pain. It robs young girls of the opportunity to embrace womanhood on their own terms. The shame and trauma often lingers with them for a long time. Yet in the face of these challenges, FGM survivors show strength and resilience by reclaiming their voice and advocating for a world free of harmful practices. Below, three young women share their experiences.
Aster Fikadu experienced FGM at an early age. Bound by tradition and cultural beliefs, her family insisted that she undergo FGM. Although she barely remembers the day and procedure; she remembers the pain.
“I remember feeling pain every month and experiencing it again and again. It was a constant reminder of the practice and very hard to overcome,“ says Aster.
Aster believes that her parents’ decision was driven by a lack of awareness, which is why she trained to become an advocate for change. She now uses her experience to fight against the practice. Her family also advocates to bring change so that others can learn from their mistakes.
“I want to change the cultural and religious beliefs. I believe this perception is the root cause of my suffering,” says Aster.
The pressure to undergo FGM often comes from family. But for Beliyu Barsamo, 20, the pressure came from her friends. They portrayed it as a rite of passage to become a well-respected woman in the community. Despite the influence, her father refused to let her undergo the practice.
Reflecting on her past, Beliyu said, “It sounds easy and simple to go through FGM, but when you hear about the consequences, it’s very difficult.” She added, “I don’t have to experience it to understand the pain.”
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